Hexavest is a range of global equity investment strategies provided by Desjardins Global Asset Management that cater to institutional investors. We specialize in discretionary and systematic investment solutions based on global and emerging market portfolios. Our discretionary approach offers a different reading on markets thanks to a top-down, contrarian investment process and active currency management. Our systematic approach relies on our proven multi-factor models as well as consistent and robust signals.
Hexavest was founded in 2004 by six seasoned global equity managers who wanted to join forces to create a stimulating environment conducive to the creation of value added for investors.
The genesis of our investment approach goes back to 1991, when the first members of the team were managing international equity portfolios at another firm. Our approach has been tested over many market cycles and its long-term effectiveness has been proven. Over the years, the team has developed further with the addition of new talent. The management approach has remained the same, but the tools have been refined, the types of decision have become more diversified and the mandates given to the team have multiplied.
In September 2021, Desjardins acquired the assets of Hexavest and the management team joined Desjardins Global Asset Management.
Staying faithful to an approach that sets us apart
Since 1991, our team has been developing expertise in the analysis of macroeconomic factors and their impacts on the stock markets. We are aware of our strengths and we invest your assets with the utmost integrity and discipline.
Preserving capital above all
Cautiousness is an integral part of our investment culture. We are convinced that, to generate value over the long term, it is essential to protect your assets.
Maintaining our convictions with courage
Our positions often run counter to those of other investors. Courage and patience are part of our DNA. Amid short-term trends and passing fads, we stay focused on our process.
Promoting sustainable finance
We integrate ESG factors in our investment strategies and are active shareholders. We support various global initiatives, including the TCFD and the Paris Agreement.